Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How the Bush Family Financed Hitler and Nazism

[Editor' Note 5/15/2021: We have undertaken a complete overhaul of our view of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany of 1933-45. We have moved away from the childish caricature of Hitler as a lunatic, a view promoted by Hollywood and irresponsible, if not deceitful, historians. Please keep this in mind as you read this Chronicle.]

[Editor's Note 5/24/201: We are publishing a new Chronicle today which fundamentally debunks the idea that any large foreign or domestic interest financed Adolf Hitler, including the Bush Crime Syndicate.]

If one knew all of the evil machinations of the Bush Crime Syndicate, the revelation of Prescott Bush as a financier of Hitler’s war machine would strike no one as odd. If on the other hand, one accepts the state propaganda about a civic minded patriotic Bush family, you might be a bit surprised about their deep roots to totalitarian leaders.

Before proceeding, we must credit Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin for much of the information provided here as found in their book, George Bush – The Unauthorized Biography. Although we have significant philosophical differences with Tarpley, we operate under the principle of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

In October 1942, under the the Trading with the Enemy Act, the US government seized the New York City German Nazi asset of Union Banking Corporation (UBC) managed by Prescott Bush. Its stock holders were E. Roland Harriman, Cornelis Lievense, Harold D. Pennington, Ray Morris, H.J. Kouwenhoven, Johann G. Groeninger, and Prescott Bush.

The order states that “all of which shares are held for the benefit of … members of the Thyssen family, [and] is property of nationals … of a designated enemy country…. ”

On November 17, 1942, the US government seized only the Nazi interests of the Silesian-American Corporation under the same act, leaving the American interests untouched. As it is wont to do, the New York Times fluffed the story for its readers by obscuring it in a little noticed inside the cover article without contemplating the ramifications of the Bush-Walker ties to the Nazi government.

Even if Fritz Thyssen hadn’t already published his infamous I Paid Hitler, US diplomatic notes would have revealed the indispensability of Thyssen money for the rise of Hitler who, after all, had to support 300,000 – 400,000 privately armed brown and black shirt murdering thugs.

Averell Harriman and Fritz Thyssen began discussions in 1922 which eventually lead to the formation in 1924 of Union Banking Corporation, a joint combine of W. A. Harriman & Co. and the Thyssen owned Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart (BHS) located in the Netherlands. George Walker, Prescott’s father in law, was its first President.

UBC, according to US government investigations, was an interlocking concern of Stahlwerke (United Steel Works Corporation or German Steel Trust) another Thyssen owned conglomerate which, post war Congressional investigations discovered, provided the bulk of important industrial materials for armaments production for Hitler’s war machine.

Wall Street banker Clarence Dillon, with the assistance of Sam Bush, Prescott’s father, had established German Steel Trust in 1926 with Thyssen.

When Brown Brothers merged with W. A. Harriman & Co in 1931, the Bushes gained new business connections with Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England and a former Brown Brothers partner. Norman was perhaps the leading and most vocal supporter of Hitler in England.

Webster reports on the nearly Byzantine interlocking relationships between the Harrimans and Thyssens with the ever servile Bushes – Prescott, Sam, and Walkers – holding key management positions in addition to equity interests. Given the coziness of the groups, it is without question that the Bushes and Harrimans were engaged in collaboration with German industrialists to arm Hitler and to realize his war aims.

Harriman and Bert Walker gained control over the Hamburg-Amerika Line in 1920 in a collaboration with Wilhelm Cuno, its CEO, and M. M. Warburg, its banker. Cuno would subsequently give large sums of money to Hitler. The Hamburg-Amerika Line paid for extensive propaganda attacks on the German government when at long last it began to crack down on Hitler’s private army supported by the aforementioned financiers and industrialists, the latter of which also included the Schroeder banking family who also had close ties to the Harrimans and Bushs. Unfortunately for Germany and the world, the German government's crackdown was too little too late.

To put a fine point on the Nazi Bushs efforts for Hitler, Prescott installed Max Warburg, another Hitler supporter, as the German representative for his American Ship and Commerce Corp. Immediately following, Max’s son Erich sent a cable to his cousin Frederick, a director of Union Pacific Railroad, to use all of his influence to suppress anti-Nazi propaganda in the USA.

In 1933, Bush’s Hamburg Amerika Line merged with North German Lloyd Company under direct Nazi auspices. From that point forward, a supervisor of the Nazi Labor Front rode every ship.

Also in 1933, The Harriman International Co. was selected by Hitler’s government to lead a syndicate of 150 Nazi exporters to America. The agreement was negotiated by Hjalmar Schacht and John Foster Dulles who represented scores of German Nazi interests.

Dulles also arranged, under Nazi decree, a series of debt restructurings for German firms which enabled them to forgo bond repayments to creditors, especially smaller American ones. The reason for the restructurings was to free cash for rearming Nazi Germany's military. Of course, the Bush-Harriman banks were intermediaries to the restructurings.

Prior to Hitler’s expropriation of power, the Anglo-American banksters had milked Germany dry – something which helped propel Hitler to dictator. As soon as Hitler was safely in power, the same banksters immediately eased terms which they desired as aid to remilitarizing Germany.

There is much more to this story which Tarpley and Chaitkin have told, but we have only skimmed the highlights. In addition we have begun publishing summarized extracts from Antony Sutton’s works which independently document the Wall Street choreography of Hitler’s ascension.

It is without doubt that the Bushs were willing promoters of Hitler and Naziism and to this day are the champions of terror and totalitarianism - what we know as the New World Order and its 1000 points of light.
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin
Copyright 2010-12 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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