Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Chronicle Update: Fuddy's Original Cause of Death Was Drowning

[Editor: 8/15/2021: It is difficult to keep up with the lies of the globalist cabal and its news media, but it is now certain that Fuddy was whisked away to some location and given a new identity, and probably new face - god only knows how ugly the original one was. The "accident" was the cover staged by CIA or Mossad to remove Fuddy from the limelight prior to any exposure of her criminal fraud in concealing the true identity of "Barak Obama".]

New evidence reported by Linda Jordan shows that Loretta Fuddy, the deceased Hawaii Public Health Director, died of drowning rather than of cardiac arrhythmia on December 11, 2013.
The Maui Medical Examiner, Dr Lindsay Harle, performed an autopsy on December 12, 2013, the day following Fuddy's death, at the Maui County Morgue, from which examination he contingently concluded, pending toxicological test results, that she died of drowning. This language reflects normal caution absent all evidence. The initial report was released December 13.
When the final report was issued, the stated cause of death was cardiac arrhythmia, determination which is very difficult to diagnose, making it largely a speculative conclusion. Jordan noted that the television program Inside Edition reported the finding for death as drowning, which makes the change to cardiac arrhythmia quite alarming since the 2 causes are quite distinct and different.
While Jordan covers the many anomalies related to Fuddy's death, including the soft landing of the plane, the warm 70 degree water, relatively mild weather conditions, the adequacy of Fuddy's life preserver, and a lack of stress in Fuddy's disposition, the most jarring finding is that the Maui police did not undertake a formal investigation as mandated by Hawaii Revised Statute HRS 841-347.
When the Maui police chief Tivoli Faaumu asserted that the statute did not apply, he lied, along with the entire Maui county government which supported him. The statute is very clear that an investigation was mandatory, in whose contempt Faaumu becomes part of a conspiracy to murder, cover-up of murder, and obstructer of justice.
Despite all of the oddities surrounding Fuddy's demise, including the heavily redacted autopsy - so heavily redacted as to be useless, the refusal to perform a legally mandated investigation is the smoking gun that Fuddy was murdered, or as some would have it, taken into hiding as a reward for the treasonous deeds she performed to protect Bari Shabazz' fraud and hoax concerning his forged birth certificate.
Linda Jordan, Something About the Way She Died, Birther Report, October 29, 2014, accessed 10/29/2014

Copyright 2014 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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